Whats Happenin at ITSOKAY.GG: September Update

2019 has been such a wild year for ITSOKAY.GG

First off, I want to say Thank You to everyone who has supported and keeps supporting ITSOKAY.GG 

I know it has been some time since I've updated everyone, however there's a lot of news to share. Since the beginning of 2019, ITSOKAY.GG fan base has grown tremendously! Starting the year ITSOKAY.GG Instagram had less than 3000 followers, and a new website to share to the world. As we hit the last couple months of 2019, ITSOKAY.GG Instagram has skyrocketed to almost 10,000 followers (9478 followers at the time of writing this) While followers and numbers don't necessarily mean anything, It's always a good way to gauge your growth as a social media e-commerce business. 

People keep asking and asking...."When are new things coming"

You've asked, and I've listened. New stuff are in the works at the moment. I really wanted to shift my focus back to apparel, after a long hiatus, apparel is coming back and better than ever; trust. I really wanted to up my quality with my apparel line, so I decided to take a step back and take my time researching, developing, and testing new products out before anything new was released. These past couple months I have been researching for the best possible garments and fabrics to use on my products. I can confidently say that I am excited to share the new standard of quality that ITSOKAY.GG will be producing from now on. Currently we are working on 2 new Tee's that have been way past due in terms of production. We are also working on women's variants as well, these will include cropped tops, cropped sweaters, and different types of styles to fit everyone's taste. Apparel will continue to be produced on a regular/limited basis; were excited to see what you think about our new apparel line coming out!

It's not just clothes, NEW STYLED ACCESSORIES are in the works

Apparel isn't the only thing getting new stuff, styled accessories are as well. Standing out of the crowd is hard these days considering how many new "Brands" come around on social media and produce the same exact things. While I am no different in terms of producing stickers, key chains, and air freshers, I do my best to bring new accessories and ideas to life like the OG ITSOKAY.GG Vanity Cover. If you are a fan of Vanity Covers, then you'll be excited to hear that I have a new Vanity Cover in the prototyping stage as we speak, it won't be too long till they're out, so be on the lookout for that. I also have a surprise, that I wasn't going to mention, however the OG Vanity cover will also have different variations that will be in limited supply. I can't tell to much, so well leave it at that ♡ It ain't just vanity covers, a new engraved accessory made for your car interior is in the testing phase as well. No word if these are guaranteed to be produced, but if all goes well I am really really really excited to share this new product with you. Personally I think it is going to be a game changer as far as car accessories go (inb4 other brands swoop on this idea)

Quality or Quantity : Managing exponential growth PROPERLY

Some of you may wonder, what have I really been doing these past few months? At first ITSOKAY.GG was easy work, make a few stickers, advertise them, make some money, and repeat. I did that and it worked well for the first year of ITSOKAY.GG. 2019 came around and that method swiftly started collapsing on me. 100+ orders every few days, Emails and DM's full of frustrated customers wondering where their order was. Not having enough inventory to prepare for certain releases or even everyday sales. Delaying releases due to workload. It has been chaos here at ITSOKAY.GG. Eventually, I came down to a cross road; delay production of new items and focus on the infrastructure of  ITSOKAY.GG, or drown in the chaos of everything and take my L. Early 2019 I setup a 6 step business plan to combat every single issue I had with ITSOKAY.GG that stopped me from expanding. I am so relieved and happy to announce that I am pretty much finished with my 2019 business plan, and I can start shifting focus back into what I really love, which is producing new and cool stuff for ITSOKAY.GG. Hopefully by the end of 2019 things can run even more optimized than they are now! 

If you've made it down here, thank you again for being apart of ITSOKAY.GG. Your constant love, support, and patience is always appreciated 

Till next time

-Sean xoxo

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